Site Admin

Joined: 29 Jun 2004 Posts: 3456 Location: between publishers
To read and post messages, you must register. This will hopefully cut down on the trolls.
To register, you must be at least 18 years old. This forum is intended for adults, and for adult discussion. This is not a place for kids to gather and hang out. There are lots of places on the internet that are intended for kids. This is not one of them.
Things that will not be tolerated:
*Name Calling
Don't be a jerk. That's pretty much what the TOS is getting at. We won't argue with anyone what being a jerk means. Its definition is pretty much universally agreed upon. If you're here to be a jerk, to try and get a rise out of people, or engage in any similar conduct, you can just leave now, and spare us the hassle of ferreting you out. It wastes our time, and yours.
If, over a period of time, we determine that your contributions to this board are, on the whole, negative and undermining rather than positive you may be given a timeout or banned at our discretion. Membership on the board is a privilege, not a right.
Users who don't wish to follow the Terms of Service may have administrative action taken on their account at the sole discretion of the board admins and moderators. These actions may include a public or private warning, a temporary restriction or "time out" from the board, an immediate banning and deletion of the account, or any combination thereof.
By posting here, or reading any of the forums, you agree to release Teh Soapbox, the moderators and adminstrators, The hosts and anyone else from any liability if you get your undies in a knot over what you read there.
Everyone should also know that many of The views expressed here, do not necessarily represent The views of The moderators or admins, or The views of other posters, or our host. Comments all belong To Their respective posters. _________________ The only true currency is the friendship you have when you're down on your luck.
Stereotypes are perpetuated by the ignorant and those who react to them.